
Retoque de Alta Belleza Sabado 26, 2011 10:00 a 2:00

High End Beauty Retouching with Dennis Dunbar

Dennis Dunbar taller de retoque de alta belleza. Técnicas para obtener la piel perfecta, corrección de color, trabajando en el cabello, perfeccionando maquillaje, como agregar un brillo saludable a la piel usando capas de ajuste para aumentar la luz.
Todos los niveles bienvenidos, el taller promete ser informativo, interesante. Dennis compartira sus consejos, los cuales ayudaran a principiantes y avanzados.

Join us on Saturday, March 26th when Dennis Dunbar will be teaching a workshop on High End Beauty Retouching. In this workshop Dennis will cover his Beauty Retouching Workflow, and will go into detail describing his techniques for getting perfect skin, as well as Color Correcting, and Sharpening. He’ll also discuss working on hair, enhancing makeup, adding a “Healthy Skin Glow” and using Adjustment Layers to augment the lighting.
Users of all levels are welcome as this workshop promises to be an informative and interesting event where Dennis will share tips and tricks that will help both the beginner as well as the advanced user.

At Strauss Studios
6442 Santa Monica Blvd.#204
LA, CA 90038-1513

from 10am-2pm
Includes Lunch

APA Members $30
Non Members $75

For more information or to register go to http://apa-la.com/Upcoming-APA-LA-Events/dennis-dunbar.html


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